Spectator Code of Conduct (Kingston Lacrosse)

PrintSpectator Code of Conduct
This code of conduct identifies the standard behavior which is expected from all Kingston Lacrosse members and participants, including but not limited to players, guardians, parents, coaches, team managers, volunteers, administrators and officials involved in Kingston lacrosse programs and Ontario Lacrosse Association (OLA) events. 

Kingston lacrosse is committed to providing an environment in which all individuals are treated with respect. Members and participants shall conduct themselves at all times in a manner that upholds the tradition and values of the club which include family, fairness, integrity and mutual respect. During the course of all club activities and OLA events, members shall avoid behavior which brings Kingston lacrosse or the sport of lacrosse into disrepute.

Kingston lacrosse members, participants and parents shall at all times adhere to the OLA rules and regulations and operational policies and procedures that govern the OLA events and activities.

Failure to comply with this code of conduct policy may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to, the loss or suspension of certain or all privileges connected with Kingston lacrosse.

Respectful Behaviour

As a parent/guardian/spectator I will:

Treat all players, coaches, officials, and other partners with respect.

Encourage my child to show respect towards teammates, opponents, coaches, officials, and volunteers.

Refrain from engaging in any form of verbal or physical abuse, including bullying, taunting, or using profane language.

Accept and respect the decisions made by coaches, officials and club administrators.

Set a positive example by demonstrating good sportsmanship and fair play at all times.

Positive Communication

As a parent/guardian/spectator I will:

Communicate with coaches, officials and all volunteers in a respectful and constructive manner. 

Resolve conflicts and disagreements in a calm and respectful manner. 

Focus on the development and enjoyment of all players, rather than solely on winning or individual achievements. 

Responsible Use of Technology and Social Media

As a parent/guardian/spectator I will:

Encourage my child to use technology and social media responsibly.

Refrain from posting negative, derogatory, or inappropriate content related to the club, its players, coaches, officials or any of its members.

Address any instances of cyberbullying or inappropriate online behavior related to the club and notify the appropriate club officials.

Use of Alcohol and Drugs

As a parent/guardian/spectator I will:

Refrain from consuming alcohol or using drugs while attending games, practices or other club events.

Not supply or encourage the use of alcohol or drugs to any players, coaches, officials, or any other club members during club games, practices or club events.

By attending Kingston Lacrosse Association events and practices, I acknowledge that I have read, understood and agreed to comply with the Kingston Lacrosse parent code of conduct.