Policies (Kingston Lacrosse)


Ensuring a safe and enjoyable lacrosse experience for everyone involved requires a thorough understanding of the regulations and guidelines set forth by the Ontario Lacrosse Association (OLA) and the Kingston Lacrosse Association (KLA). We encourage you to familiarize yourself with these policies to promote fairness, respect, and sportsmanship within our community.

Review Ontario Lacrosse Association (OLA) Policies:

Please visit the OLA Operational Policies Page to find detailed information on player conduct, safety protocols, and organizational guidelines. Policies are reviewed annually and updated as necessary. Changes may occur throughout the season without prior notice, so we encourage regular check-ins to stay informed.

Explore Spectators Code of Conduct:

Additionally, we invite you to review our Spectators Code of Conduct, designed to promote positive behavior and create a supportive environment for players, coaches, and officials alike. Your cooperation in adhering to these guidelines contributes significantly to the overall enjoyment of the game.

Thank you for your commitment to creating a safe and fun game environment for all involved. Together, we can uphold the spirit of lacrosse and foster a positive experience for all.