Registration (Kingston Lacrosse)


Registration for the 2025 Kingston Krossfire Lacrosse season will open on Friday January 10, 2025.


We changed things up a bit this year. We now offer a Development Stream that will focus on building lacrosse skills, and a Rep Stream for athletes interested in a more competitive environment.

After registration we will hold tryouts for those interested in the Rep Stream. The tryout schedule can be found below.

2025 Development Stream (DS) Box Lacrosse (Co-Ed)


Age Groups:

U7 (2019/20)

U9 (2017/18)

U11 (2015/16)

U13 (2013/14) / U15 (2011/12) Combined age group

U17 Please email us


9-week season, 1-hour per week (Kingston only - no travel for this program)

Day of the Week:


Start Date:

April 23, 2025


Skills-based drills and scrimmages


U7 5:30-6:30pm

U9 5:30-6:30pm

U11 6:30-7:30pm

U13/U15 7:30-8:30pm
U17 Please email us


Cataraqui Arena - Mike Lee & Kinsmen Pads


U7 $225

U13/U15 $225

U17 Please email us


All divisions are co-ed and any permitted contact will be introduced gradually.

U7: skills- and games-based

U9-U13: scrimmages will be “place-and-push” to start and cross checking will be integrated towards the end of the season. This season will progress as shown below, starting with more skills and moving towards full scrimmages in the last 2 weeks of the season.

Weeks 1 & 2: 45 minutes skills / 15 minutes scrimmage

Weeks 3 & 4: 30 minutes skills / 30 minutes scrimmage

Weeks 5 & 6: 15 minutes skills / 45 minutes scrimmage

Weeks 7 & 8: 5 minute warmup / 55 minute scrimmage

Week 9: Fun Day

U13/U15: the objective with this age is to play a “sixes” style game that is fast-paced with an emphasis on excellent ball movement and control. To that end, games will be “place-and-push” only with no cross checking for the entire season, however, this age group will progress to full scrimmages more quickly than the younger divisions.

Weeks 1-4: 30 minutes skills / 30 minutes scrimmage

Weeks 5-8: 5 minute warmup / 55 minute scrimmage

Week 9: Fun Day


Register here


2025 Rep Box Program - U9/U11/U13/U15 Boys/Co-Ed



The Rep season will start in mid-April and runs until the beginning of August. U9 will have one practice per week, U11 and up will have 2 practices per week. All teams will have Zone games, 1-2 tournaments and Provincials.

 Tryout Dates:  U9:6:30pm April 2, 9, 16

U11: 7:30pm April 2, 9, 16

U13: 6:30pm February 12, 19, 7:30pm February 26

U15: 7:30pm February 12, 19 March 5

Start Date:

April 14, 2025


April, May, June

U9 Monday 5:30-6:30pm

U11 Monday & Wednesday 6:30-7:30pm

U13 Monday & Wednesday 7:30-8:30pm

U15 Monday & Wednesday 8:30-9:30pm

July (to be confirmed)

U9 Wednesday 5:30-6:30pm Cupe

U11 Wednesday 6:30-8:00pm Cupe

U13 Wednesday 6:00-7:30pm MNP

U15 Wednesday 7:30-9:00pm MNP


April, May, June

Mondays: Kingston Memorial Centre

Wednesdays: Cataraqui Arena (Kinsmen Pad)


Invista: Cupe & MNP


U11: Oshawa Braver than Brave - early July

U13: Simcoe Father’s Day Tournament - mid June

U15: Simcoe Father’s Day Tournament - mid June

League Games:

Teams need to play a minimum of 10 games between late May and mid-July (including tournament games) to qualify for Provincials. These games will be a combination of home and away games at locations within Zone 5 such as Ottawa, Cornwall, Quinte, Montreal.

Zone Championships:

These are held over a weekend in late July to determine the winner of each division and age group. Typically, games are a 1-day event for each age group.

Provincials (Whitby):

U11: August 8-10

U13: August 1-3

U15: August 1-3


U9: $225 DS plus a Rep premium fee that covers the additional costs of Zone games & playoffs, extra floor time, etc. (exact cost TBD)

U11-U15: $1,000 est.


U9 Rep players will also play in the DS program.

U11 and U13 players can choose to play in the DS program by paying the DS registration fee. These players will play an age group up i.e. U11 Rep will play U13 DS and U13 Rep will play U15/17 DS.

** All players interested in trying out for Rep must register, and pay for, the DS program. U11-U15 players who are successful in earning a spot on the corresponding Rep team will have their registration moved to Rep and the additional fee will need to be paid **

Register here

Financial Assistance

Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities was launched to address an issue of national concern; the inactivity of kids. National in scope, but local in its focus, Jumpstart helps kids in financial need participate in organized sports and physical activities by assisting with the costs associated with registration, equipment and/or transportation.   

Apply here

Have questions? Contact [email protected].