2025 Rep Season Tryouts Information
Location: KCVI Main Gym - 235 Frontenac Street, Kingston
Dates & Times
U9: 5:30pm March 19, 26, April 2
U11: 6:30pm March 19, 26, 5:30pm April 9
U13: 6:30pm February 12, 19, 7:30pm Feb 26
U15: 7:30pm February 12, 19, March 5
Tryout Policy
Players trying out for 2025 Krossfire Rep box teams must complete the DS program registration online. This includes paying the $225 registration fee in full. Players who earn a spot on a Rep team will be asked to pay the Rep surcharge once the team budgets are finalized. Players who are not successful in earning a spot on a Rep team can choose to play in the local DS program, or request a partial refund. A $60 fee will be withheld to cover the tryout and OLA registration fees.
Register: www.lacrossekingston.ca (follow the link at the bottom of the Registration page)
Players must reside within the Kingston catchment or be closest to the Kingston border if they live in between Club boundaries. Players who reside in a different catchment, or closer to another Club must obtain written permission from that Club, and any other Clubs in between, to try out for a Kingston team. If you're unsure which Club your player belongs to, visit https://www.playlacrosse.com/where-do-i-play or email: [email protected] BEFORE registering to attend Kingston tryouts. Example: a player who lives in the Quinte catchment area must obtain written permission from both Quinte and Tyendinaga to be allowed to attend Krossfire tryouts.
Tryout Q&A
Q. What if I can’t attend tryouts?
A. Players are required to attend tryouts to be considered for a position on a Rep team. It is expected that players and families will make every effort to attend the posted tryout dates. Exceptions (including injury and illness) must be approved in advance by the Rep Director by emailing: [email protected]
Q. What are coaches looking for at a tryout?
A. There are many things coaches may be evaluating besides lacrosse skills, these may include:
Ability to listen and follow direction
Ability to stay focused during drills (no horseplay while standing in line, no cutting in line, no unnecessary chitchat with teammates, completes the drills properly)
Consistently being in the right position – this is usually achieved by good hustle
Good communication on the floor – letting your teammates know what is going around them
Commitment to the team
Positive attitude, strong character and good sportsmanship
Q. How will we know if our child made the team?
A. The Krossfire Rep Director will communicate with families to let them know whether they were successful in earning a spot on the team. If your child was not selected, we encourage them to participate in our local Development Stream (DS) Program to continue with their skill development. Coaches may select Affiliated Players (APs) from the DS group to fill in for injured/absent players during Rep games.
Q. How do we accept a spot on a Rep team?
A. Families will have a set window to accept or decline their spot on the Rep team. The deadline will be included in the Rep offer. Families accepting the spot are committing to attend all Rep practices and games for the duration of the season, as indicated in the offer calendar (and understanding it may change during the season to meet the scheduling needs of the team and opponents).
Q. What if we have more questions?
A. Email [email protected]